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Welcome to First State Bank and Trust, and thanks for considering a career with us!

The financial services industry can be complicated, but we have a simple purpose:

Provide customers with an extraordinary experience through the comprehensive financial services that help them pursue their dreams.  We add substantial value to our communities.  We provide rewarding work and unique financial opportunities for our employees.

We believe that our success is determined by the quality of our people, and we emphasize five core values for every member of our team:

  1. Have Integrity
  2. Get Things Done
  3. Pursue Excellence
  4. Focus on our Customers and Communities
  5. Embrace the First State Bank Family

If that sounds like you, then I’m confident that you’ll find First State Bank and Trust to be one of the best places you’ll ever work.

Come join our family!

Headshot of Mike

Michael W. Atwood, President & CEO


Career Opportunities

First State Bank and Trust is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Member FDIC. Equal Housing Lender.